
Passive v. Aggressive

I would go into detail about this title, but then that would be exhibiting passive/aggressive behavior, no? So, all I'll say is that as much as I love awkward situations, I'm not a fan of the one I was in all day.

UPDATE: problem solved.

I just got home from work a bit ago and I'm dreading going to class. Okay, maybe not dreading...but I'd rather be napping.

It's interesting to experience the Superbowl as an outsider. At home it's always such a big deal about where you're going and who you're watching it with, but in all reality, no one really cares here. I wonder if it was televised at a different time, maybe the rest of the world would be interested. I think it ended at something like 3 this morning. I contemplated going to a bar to watch the beginning last night, but then I realized I could just watch all the commercials online and let's face it, that's the best part of the Superbowl. Anyway, mazoltov to the Giants.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

No offense, doll, but that is what the "rest of the world" is all about. We care about other things, not just your country and all of its goings-on :-)

Send me a cupcake? Maybe I should make some.