
Sarahfest 08

Since there were 21 candles on Sarah's imaginary birthday cake today, Kristin, Sarah, and I went to celebrate in Brighton. It was incredible! We left this morning around 10:15 and took the train from Victoria into Brighton -- whenever I go to Victoria, which is everyday for work, I always think about Mom because that's how she got to London from boarding school. Anyway, Brighton was so cute and it was absolutely perfect today - no clouds, all sun. Aside from our intellectual conversation, it kind of felt like we were on The Hills or something. We had incredible fish & chips and mussels over a bottle of wine at a restaurant overlooking the ocean. We sat outside and it was so warm in the sun that we even got to take our coats off!! Brighton is apparently the gay capital of the UK, which explains the penis-shaped chocolate bars everywhere. Brighton kind of felt like 20% Santa Monica Pier and 80% Atlantic City. But maybe not, as I've never been to Atlantic City.

Last night we went to Brick Lane. There's only one word to describe Brick Lane: earthy. We had a really great time, all the boys came out for Sarah's birthday which was great because that meant we'd be safe on the tube home. We went to their flat afterwards and then came back here. Want to hear something incredible? Our entire flat for 6 girls is the same size as two of the boys' bedrooms. If not smaller. In their 4 person room, they have 2 CLOSETS. WE HAVE ONE. THEY HAVE TWO BATHROOMS. WE HAVE ONE. THEY HAVE TWO FRIDGES. WE HAVE ONE. THEY HAVE A PATIO. WE HAVE A MOUSE. I got really irked when I noticed that they had extra space in their closet. Once it gets warmer I think I'll send my winter clothes down there. It just doesn't make any sense. I mean, sure, they're in the basement and our whole building has to keep our trash in front of their door until it's trash day...but two bathrooms? And toiletree storage? Ridiculous.

I have an article up. Once you get to that page, click on the arrows on the feature pop-up thing until you get to "The Dairy Debate." That's me. Those directions will only work for a week, I'll post another link later because my internet is sucking right now.

Yesterday I had lunch with Sangeeta Bhua, Sanjit Uncle, and Ambika at the Cipriani, and then Kristin met up with us for tea at George. On the way back to our flat, we ran into the most stupid people ever on the tube, they squeezed 10 people into a space where 3 people would have been uncomfortably, and they kept bashing me and pulling Kristin's hair. It was really weird. I guess it was 5:00 somewhere.

Anyway, I'm so tired...I think I'm going to get some stuff done and then go to sleep. Soon. Oh, we got mousetraps. Marvin's being shy, but I'm sure he'll get curious soon.



Sonia said...

LOL The comparison of the patio to the mouse made me laugh. You are going to kill Marvin? That is sad, especially considering you even went through the ordeal of naming him. Poor Marvin :-(

The boys sound like they have a great place. Who are the boys?

Your description of your lunch in Brighton sounds like our attempt to have a picnic lunch in Malibu Bluffs. Except that it was so cold, I had to wear my winter jacket, hat, and gloves. And I was still cold to the bone. We also ate gelato. Very smart we were that day!

Do you read my comments? You better, or they will cease to exist.

Kiernan said...

I resent this.

You forgot our dungeon. And the Jesus-shaped mold stain.

The love is in the details.

Kiernan said...
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Kiernan said...

Also, Atlantic City is a mildly scary shithole.
Though I hear it's getting better.