
Verdict: Grace and Chelsea are equally creepy

This is a little conversation I had over the past day or so.

Chelsea makes a Madeline reference.
Ambika: Oh my god, I made a Madeline reference today too!
Chels: In what context?
Ambika: I was telling Grace Clarke that her blog reminds me of Madeleine.
Chels: I LOVE her blog. I creepily read it all the time. Will you tell her that?
Ambika: Um, ok...

|Part 2|

Ambika: You know Chelsea Lee right?
Grace: Well, only through Facebook and pilates.
Ambika: She wants me to tell you that she's obsessed with your blog.
Grace: OH MY GOD I LOVE HERS! Chelsea approves, right?
Ambika: Did you see it because it's linked to my blog?
Grace: Yeah!



chelsea said...

"and sooo I creeeeep, yeahhhh"

but seriously, I thought I'd tell her because the best feeling in the world is knowing that someone's out there reading the bullshit you write on some lame blog!

chelsea said...

OH AND I GOT YOUR POSTCARD! leave the illustrations to me...you can do everything else. hahaha.

ps: we are going to have 3 couches next year. this is awesome, we can arrange them in a U for optimal conversation among you...me...and jack? those will probably be the only people there most of the time.

beaks said...

I call the biggest one because I need the most amount of space.

Unknown said...

i think i win the most creepy award because i have read every single post on chelsea approves...

i feel like a groupie.

or band-aid (almost famous reference. anyone? anyone?)

ambika: thank you for being the matchmaker of a very happy stalkership.