
Maybe Tomorrow

Let me run you through my day. This is why I will not be posting anything legit tonight.

I just got home from work and class...as in, I left for work at 9 this morning and now it is 10:15.

Update: My clock went an hour ahead because it still thinks it's in the U.S. It's only 9:15 yay!

Miserable weather all day.

International Issues Reporting Class featuring the Fox News Bureau Chief - Scott Norvell...who basically told us that journalism degrees are of moot point and you are better off getting a degree in something else. Coming after my epiphany last night that maybe I don't want to be a poor journalist when I grow up. (I now want to be the queen of my own country, if you know anyone in the business..)

Then I had to talk to my teacher about a project proposal.

Then, when I responded "That's not true" to a girl who said "People who wear Chanel will never set foot in an H&M" (same girl who said the upper class is only made up of the nouveau riche), she shooed me away. As in, like, shooing a dog away. It was weird.

Then I hit my head on a taxi door.

Good night and good luck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ambi,
Is your head okay?? What a nice surprise to find that you have an extra hour at the end of the day!
Good Night, sleep tight!