
Abbey Road

So...I was informed that my interview went really well with MSN and that I will be interning with them for the semester! Yesterday Mom and I went shopping on Oxford and then met Dad and Sangeeta Bhua at China Tang at the Dorchester for a quick lunch. She was going straight to the hospital from there which made me sick because she doesn't deserve any of this. Then the three of us went to Harrod's which was of course a zoo. The sales are incredible...but the fact of the matter is that you'll still be spending an exorbitant amount of money regardless of how much you "save." Case in point - I'm sure everybody reading this knows about my camel colored steve madden's that I've had since...10th grade - the one's that make my mom cringe because they're ripped and the heels are split? Well, after looking for a similar pair for ages, I found them at Harrod's. Slight problem though as they are Jimmy Choo's on sale for 200 pounds (read, $400). I made the mistake of trying them on and of course now I can't stop thinking about them. Last night we went to this incredible Indian restaurant in Wembley with Harish Uncle, Geeta Auntie, and Janki. It's called Blue Room and the food was delicious. I think I'll be craving the spicy, crispy prawns for a long time. And the fresh passion fruit juice...mmm. I spent the night at the Dorchester with Mom and Dad. I was thinking about staying here but then I realized I shouldn't let a hotel room twice the size of my entire flat go to waste. I slept in this morning after they left and then went to visit Sangeeta Bhua at the hospital. We're having a flatmate fest tonight - details to follow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WICKED!! Congrats babe! I'm so happy for you! I knew you'd get the internship - you're just cool like that! Poor Sangeeta bhua - please say hello to her for me. And keep the posts coming!