
Marvin the Mouse

Quote of the Day
Me: "How do we know Marvin's a boy?"
Kristin: "Because we can't fit any more b****es in this apartment."
So true Kristin, so true.

We have a mouse. He is probably pooping on my clothes because as there is no room for all of our things, I had to fold my juicy hoodies and sweaters and place them on the floor under a desk. On the bright side, at least it's not a rat. Mice seem friendlier, except for Ratatouille.

Today was my first day of work ~ and I am now realizing that I can't say anything because my editors have my blog address. I will say that everyone is really nice and I'm getting my feet wet with some projects, but I was having some computer difficulties today. At one point, I had three computers on my desk.

I'm really, really bummed out right now for various other reasons, some of which I can't even put a finger on. The icing on today's cake was that one of my roommates can't afford the perfect house we want to live in next semester, and I just found out today that someone else has signed for it. Awwwesome.

I have to go write a paper for tomorrow night's class which should be interesting as I still don't know what I want to write about.

Whatever, (like from Wedding Crashers)

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Oops. Ignore other comment made about house....?
