
So I shouldn't have assumed - we all know what that does

I found out this morning about where I will be interning for the semester...drumroll...msn.co.uk! At first I was focusing on wanting to be placed at a magazine since I know that's what I want to do, but I'll still be writing (and hopefully editing) in more of a features style than I ever have before, so I'm thoroughly stoked. I have my interview tomorrow with Matt Ball, the editor-in-chief and I'm really excited. As far as I know, I will be working for the lifestyle and entertainment sections of the website which will be really interesting and brilliant. I'll be working with Shannon and Stephanie which I couldn't be happier about. Oh, we had our first class tonight...no comment. Three of my roommates are out probably having a fantastic time at some pub, but I figured it would be more responsible to prepare for my interview. I talked to Chelsea today which was a great pick me up...now if I could just get her and Jolynn out here. I'm gonna go narrow down what I'm going to wear as I have to get up at 7 - with our pressureless shower I'm giving myself all the time in the world to get ready.

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